Teil 790 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 790 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

As Ruth has already mentioned, Islay is really a big guy but he has not passed the 7 kg barrier yet. That will probably happen later this winter. Our fluffball Joschi may look like he weighs a lot but this is only fur and I would be pleased as Punch if Mira and Sander...
Teil 789 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 789 – Montagsrätsel

That ample bottom belongs to Marvi, no doubt! As you know our routine weigh-in was due last Saturday being the last Saturday of the month of September. Instead of letting you guess weights, today’s quest is a little different, because I want you you to tell me...
Teil 783 – Mittwochsrätsel

Teil 783 – Mittwochsrätsel

Have we had a riddle on Wednesday yet? I have to admit that I put this image in front of you with hestiation. But after you all excelled at the caterpillar riddle how difficult can guessing birds be? The bird of prey I captured sitting on the shed in the rain had no...
Teil 778 – Montagsrätsel +

Teil 778 – Montagsrätsel +

As we are hopelessly in arrears I want to combine the Monday Morning Riddle with the last garden pictures of June. I think that works well as the riddle is directly linked to a garden topic that was in the German news that month. This also means, that you, my dear...