Special: Happy Easter 2016

Special: Happy Easter 2016

Our first Easter Special without a bunny! Even though I know that we found Lilly the best home and partner ever, Jaspar and I are still missing our morning outings to the bunny meadow and when I am cooking I still make too much salad. So instead of an Easter Bunny you...
Special: Happy Easter 2015

Special: Happy Easter 2015

A Katzenparade on a holiday? Whatever next! I had contemplated not doing a special Easter edition as Strizz is still sorely missed – particularly by his partner Lilly. But Lilly put such a cute show on for me, I need to share this with you. Happy Easter...
Special: Happy Easter 2014

Special: Happy Easter 2014

As you have already witnessed, I am no good at staging photos. My worst experience happened last Easter when I had the brilliant idea to confront the bunnies with one of their chocolate counterparts and watch them with the camera ready. The best husband of all...


Diese Katzenparade ist kein verfrühter April-Scherz, denn ich hätte dir gerne Bilder von munteren Katzen gezeigt, die zwischen blühenden Narzissen den Sonnenschein und die laue Frühlingsluft im Garten genießen. Aber damit kann ich dieses Jahr leider nicht dienen. Als...