Teil 513 – Lady in Red

Teil 513 – Lady in Red

Now we have an alternative for the unpopular collar! The teddy arrived on Saturday. I ordered two sizes. I did not even have to put the smaller one on to see that it would not work but the larger one is exactly right. The brand is the same as Paulina’s but there...
Teil 292 – Fellwechsel

Teil 292 – Fellwechsel

While the matted fur of Ice-B, Islay and even Joschi needed to be clipped Isfrid is the only who is still in charge of her winter coat. Even though her fur is like it should be – easy to maintain – it comes off in large swatches of hair, which are sometime...
Teil 90 – Farben: schildpatt

Teil 90 – Farben: schildpatt

Here is the last „color issue“. ——– In dieser Ausgabe geht es zum letzten Mal um die Fellfarben. Gestern hatte ich erwähnt, dass sich die Erbinformationen der roten Farbe auf dem X-Chromosom befinden. Aber nicht nur das Rot ist dort...