von sybilla | 2. November 2017 | Spiele, Spielzeug, Verhalten |
It seems that is has become a habit to visit Paulchen, Sander’s and Mrs. Peel’s „little“ brother, every October. Like last year, the weather was fine so I could take some nice photos in the garden but at the beginning of my visit a rather...
von sybilla | 14. Oktober 2016 | Spiele, Spielzeug, Verhalten |
Last Saturday I went to visit Paulchen, Sander’s and Mrs. Peel’s brother. As you might recall I had been tempted to keep him as well until I realized that he would be much better off with Erica, Rolf and their grandson Phillip. Like the...
von sybilla | 8. Juli 2016 | Ausstattung, Verhalten |
Would the German football team have won their match against France yesterday if they had Isfrid and Mira in their midst? Fact is, that it is very difficult to separate the two from the ball and their timing is always perfect, not to mention the four feet! Their...
von sybilla | 12. Februar 2015 | Spiele, Spielzeug |
I had to google why today is called Fat Thursday – apparently the last Thursday before Lent is a day of indulgence into special sweet treats before Lent, the time of fasting. In the German regions where carnival is celebrated this Thursday is the day where the...
von sybilla | 13. November 2014 | Allgemein, Innen, Spiele, Verhalten |
The most important event in the social calendar of our town is the annual cinema festival that starts today and ends on Sunday. On „our“ festival Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck’s Oscar-winning movie „Das Leben der Anderen“ gave its...