Teil 611 – Der Ball ist rund

Teil 611 – Der Ball ist rund

Would the German football team have won their match against France yesterday if they had Isfrid and Mira in their midst? Fact is, that it is very difficult to separate the two from the ball and their timing is always perfect, not to mention the four feet! Their...
Teil 318 – Haargummis

Teil 318 – Haargummis

While yesterday’s tunnel or the scratching stem are appropriate cat toys you can trust Mira to chose the most inappropriate ones. Whenever you drop a piece of cling film, a paper clip, a bit of sticky tape or a bottle top you can be sure that Mira will find it...
Teil 72 – Selbstbedienung

Teil 72 – Selbstbedienung

I have put this issue under the headline “self-service”. As the cats serve themselves out of the toy basket or re-arrange the furniture to their liking. ———- Diese Katzenparade habe ich für mich unter das Thema “Selbstbedienung” gestellt – und damit...