Teil 729 – Sonnengruß

Teil 729 – Sonnengruß

As you now have experience with flip-books, here is Sander’s – rather unique – interpretation of the Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskara. By the way, provided the sun is shining he really does this every day and sometimes even more than once. We are...
Teil 728 – Aufwind

Teil 728 – Aufwind

To answer yesterday’s question first: Islay did indeed loose his balance and went down head-first (see above). So well guessed/spotted, Karl-Theodor and Martin! On March, 10th I promised you a special crane edition, as I had the luck to watch a flock (or is it a...
Teil 727 – Westbank

Teil 727 – Westbank

Remember the ventilator a coal tit chose as place for its nest last year? Islay most certainly has not forgotten. He is already frequenting the window sill which forced me to bring out the window box as I cannot be sure that the bird has not returned yet. I know it is...
Teil 720 – Der Garten im Februar II

Teil 720 – Der Garten im Februar II

As we are expecting double-digit temperatures over the weekend and I am hoping for blooming daffodils and more, let’s finish off February! In the first issue I have already mentioned that the second half was marred by storms, rain and thunder. Thankfully all our...