Teil 363 – Wollpullover im August

Teil 363 – Wollpullover im August

After you had ample time to explore old issues this week, I don’t want you to leave for the weekend (a long bank holiday weekend even in the UK) without a new edition. Here in Germany we are experiencing the first signs of autumn as it is unseasonably cold at...
Teil 311 – Landregen

Teil 311 – Landregen

Is the idiom „It is raining cats and dogs“ a common expression you would use? I was once told that it is as uncommon as the German equivalent a former English teacher once told us (see below). In any case, it has been raining persistently for 2 days now and while it...
Teil 244 – Wind

Teil 244 – Wind

Last winter we had been sick of snow, this winter I am becoming more and more tired of all these storms. Have you ever been in the forest when it was really windy? The wind in the trees sounds like the surf of an angry sea – even without foliage. Since I once...
Teil 207 – Herbstfarben

Teil 207 – Herbstfarben

Indian Summer on our little hill. ——— Derzeit ist ja das erstaunlichste Herbstwetter. Es war am Wochenende so schön sonnig und warm, dass wir problemlos draußen Kaffeetrinken konnten. Und überall schwärmten die Marienkäfer! Die letzten Tage wurde es...
Teil 203 – Goldener Oktober

Teil 203 – Goldener Oktober

Nachdem ich dir Patricia und Baba vorgestellt habe, wäre heute meine YumYum dran. Das Problem bei der Ahnengalerie ist allerdings, das die vorgestellten Katzen leider nicht mehr unter uns weilen, was mich natürlich etwas wehmütig macht. Deshalb möchte ich dir heute...
Teil 197 – Wasserspiele

Teil 197 – Wasserspiele

As you know, cats are extremely fascinated by water. Even though they can swim if need be, I think tigers are the only cats that actually enjoy splashing in the water. With the exception of Islay maybe… ————– Über das Thema Katze und...