Teil 704 – Drinnen

Teil 704 – Drinnen

Now it is official, this January was the coldest since 1987. I will show you in detail how the garden on our little hill looked like in January in upcoming issues. As it was so much colder than last year, the cats still liked the great outdoors but they enjoyed even...
Teil 581 – Kleine und große Feiglinge

Teil 581 – Kleine und große Feiglinge

Would you believe it after what you have seen yesterday, that Sander does in fact need a lot of persuasion to go outside? Once he is out in the garden, everything is fine. Sometimes he is even one of the last ones to come back in again but stepping over that threshold...
Teil 529 – Kälterezept II

Teil 529 – Kälterezept II

Last Saturday Mira had disappeared. I saw her when I drove to the pet store at around 3 pm but when I later called her she did not come. At first, I was not worried as none of the cats would dream of interrupting a hunt. But when I called her again an hour later she...
Teil 285 – Katzengras

Teil 285 – Katzengras

Cats need to eat gras. It is important for them because it helps them to disgorge hairballs. In springtime when cats get rid of their thick winter fur, they all eat gras like herbivores. As Joschi was confined indoors for weeks due to his open head wound, we got him...
Teil 110 – Die Hauskatzen II

Teil 110 – Die Hauskatzen II

As promised yesterday, this issue focuses on Mira, house cat #1 (and her favourite toy). ——– Heute das versprochene Solo von Mira, der Hauskatze Nummer Eins. Wie du in dieser kleinen Bildergeschichte deutlich erkennen kannst, ist der Stab mit dem...