von sybilla | 19. August 2016 | Außen, Spiele, Spielzeug |
On today’s agenda – a flicker book. As you know Joschi is a big fan of empty snail shells. And as you also know, he is rather slow on the uptake. Today you can watch him playing with a snail shell again. This time he uses both front paws to pick it up and...
von sybilla | 26. September 2014 | Außen, Spiele |
Thankfully I am the photographer and not the model (I am certainly the most unphotogenic person on earth). But if someone were trying to catch me on film today she/he would have difficuly as I am jumping for joy that this week is over. Instead let Islay and his posse...
von sybilla | 18. September 2014 | Außen, Spiele, Spielzeug |
Remember issue 39? There you were able to watch the cats play with indoor toys but also with everyday items like paper bags and laundry baskets. But that cats can have fun with ordinary „items“ is not only true indoors. Today Joschi and Ice-B will show you...
von sybilla | 6. Dezember 2012 | Allgemein |
Es geht – aus gegebenen Anlass – noch einmal um das Thema Freilauf. Eine Freundin von mir war nämlich von meinen Norwegern so begeistert, dass sie selbst auch gerne welche haben wollte (erst nur eine, dann hat sich ihr Mann durchgesetzt und es wurde ein...