von sybilla | 16. Februar 2018 | Tierschutz, Verhalten |
Some of our plants really have a hard time. The potted robinia in the front garden for example. The big flower pot is one of Jaspar’s favourite haunts and he just loves to sharpen his claws on the stem. There was once a protective clear wrap around the stem but...
von sybilla | 22. Juli 2016 | Gesundheit, Tierschutz, Verhalten |
What is better for a cat? Living securely indoors, well taken cared of by loving humans or following the call of the wild and living a free but dangerous life outside? As you know I am trying to find something inbetweens by offering the cats a secure garden. But for...
von sybilla | 20. Mai 2016 | Tierschutz, Verhalten |
More than a year ago I published a newsflash with the first proper picture of our dinner guest. Since then Kater has become a more or less regular feature of the front garden. He is still sporting scars but the quality of his fur has considerably improved. As Jaspar...
von sybilla | 23. April 2015 | Sonderausgabe, Tierschutz, Verhalten |
The mysterious stranger who has made it a habit of appearing for dinner at the „White Elephant“ has been spotted and photographed for the first time in daylight. The dark and handsome guest is obviously an adult male and judging from his scars he seems to...