Teil 507a – Montagsrätsel

Teil 507a – Montagsrätsel

How about a little riddle to start the week off? Have a look at the above picture. Is none, one or are both of the cat houses occupied? The solution will follow this evening. 🙂 ————– Wie wäre es mit einem kleinen Rätsel zum Wochenstart?...
Update: Die Katzenparade-Top-Models 2014

Update: Die Katzenparade-Top-Models 2014

ice-b_marvi_2014_06_mauseloch1 joschi_2014_04_dogybed5 isbjoern_2014_03_portrait What a shambles!! I had to change this post again because I made a mistake: I forgot to incorporate Micki’s nominations!!! My apologies!!! But now at least all photos are in the...
Special: Countdown Katzenparade-Top-Model

Special: Countdown Katzenparade-Top-Model

Last year Joschi failed to appear in your nominations. As he was so often in the news this year, there is no danger of that now. But another of our all-star cast is in danger of slipping under your radar. None of the numerous photos that you have nominated so far is...