Teil 492 – Katzenhaus

Teil 492 – Katzenhaus

As you could witness several times before – cats love card board boxes. Due to my non-existant DIY skills, I just left the boxes as they were or cut in some crude openings with a carpet cutter. From all bought cardboard houses, only the London bus is still...
Teil 490 – Ausstattungs-ABC

Teil 490 – Ausstattungs-ABC

Don’t worry I am not going through all letters of the alphabet with you! But I thought this may be a good opportunity to talk about what equipment you need for a cat. These are the bare essentials: a feeding bowl a water bowl 2 litter boxes 1 scoop – a...
Teil 412 – Braun gewinnt

Teil 412 – Braun gewinnt

I learned last week that you cannot get everything on the Internet. As Ginger is not as flexible as he used to be, he sometimes has difficulties jumping on his bed and his scratching post. On a photo Susette and Alexander kindly shared with me (you will find out in a...