Teil 401 – Kratzduell

Teil 401 – Kratzduell

In our household the life expectancy of a piece of cat-on scratch furniture is a little over three months. I liked the first model „La Ola“ a lot but the next we tried was too small (in my opinion). So I ordered my favourite and two different, rather low...
Teil 320 – Ausgekratzt

Teil 320 – Ausgekratzt

Remember the cardboard scratchpad I bought to distract the cats from shredding my favourite rug? After little more than three months of intensive use by 5 cats (Joschi and Islay favour the vertical scratching devices) it has been scratched out. I have taken a picture...
Teil 253 – Kratzen: Très chic!

Teil 253 – Kratzen: Très chic!

What to do when the cat is using the carpets for scratching? After all it is impossible to protect every rug by covering it or by using a deterrent. The easiest solution would be offering an alternative that the cats like even more than any fluffy floor cover. On the...