von sybilla | 18. April 2017 | Außen, Innen, Montagsrätsel |
What must you think of me? No issues, no Easter greetings, no word from us for over a week! But after 8 frantic days, order is restored – for the time being. First, I still owe you the answer to the riddle from April, 10th. Congratulations to Karl-Theodor and...
von sybilla | 22. Januar 2016 | Allgemein, Außen, Wetter, Winter |
Last Saturday Mira had disappeared. I saw her when I drove to the pet store at around 3 pm but when I later called her she did not come. At first, I was not worried as none of the cats would dream of interrupting a hunt. But when I called her again an hour later she...
von sybilla | 28. April 2014 | Außen, Frühling |
While our terrace cleaning operation was cut short due to mechanical failure, I had time to observe (and photograph) Marvi, the three-legged wonder cat, jumping. As Marvi is normally very careful before she jumps on or off something she is an ideal model. While she...
von sybilla | 12. Juni 2013 | Außen, Sommer |
After we watched Issi eating her greens, you can see today what the others favour – or not. ——– Dich das Thema von gestern noch etwas ausdehnen und mir ist eingefallen, dass du schon lange kein Bild mehr vom „Tulpenbeet“ gesehen hast....
von sybilla | 11. Juni 2013 | Außen, Sommer, Spielzeug |
Normal cats would eat grass. See Issi struggle with rushes. ———- Dass die Katzen Gras fressen, konntest du schon bei anderer Gelegenheit beobachten. Dass sie beispielsweise im Winter auf Bambus ausweichen, hast du ebenfalls bereits gesehen. Aber es...