Teil 741 – Da ist doch was?

Teil 741 – Da ist doch was?

As all regualars and cat owners know, „meows“ are a form of communication reserved for humans. Between cats body language rules. „Listen“ to the following discussion between Marvi and Islay I witnessed a couple of weeks ago. To make it easier...
Teil 724 – Katzenzungen

Teil 724 – Katzenzungen

I am not quite done with issue 723’s topic yet: Cat tongue, langue de chat (French), Katzenzungen (German), lingua di gatto (Italian), lenga di gato (Spanish) or língua de gato (Portuguese) are known all around the world. These chocolates do not really look like...
Teil 723 – Bionik

Teil 723 – Bionik

Simply put, bionics has the objective to learn from Mother Nature and to copy and translate highly optimized and efficient aspects of fauna and flora into technology. We all know the so-called lotus effect of paints that are self-cleaning by copying the mechanism from...
Teil 705 – Overload

Teil 705 – Overload

My sincerest apologies, dear readers! Busy or not, so far I have always found the time to post at least your Monday Morning Riddle – until this week. The Monday in question I had to take Marvi to the vet and after that work butted in in a big way. All will be...
Teil 693 – Schwarze Katze von links

Teil 693 – Schwarze Katze von links

Why is a black cat crossing your path a bad omen? That the cat lost her recognition as valued mouse catcher in the dark ages is probably due to the church. As the cat was a revered symbol of pagean gods – e.g. the sledge of Nordic goddess Freya was pulled by...
Teil 691 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 691 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Birthday cat Schmotti is pleased as punch that you thought that she is much younger – which female would not be pleased? Unbelievable but true, Schmotti is in fact a very fit 20! (And cross my heart, no grey hair and wrinkles...