Teil 798 – Isfrid-Spezial

Teil 798 – Isfrid-Spezial

Sorry! There will be no riddle this week, as I have planned to show you specials of each team member in case you have not nominated your Top 20 cats of 2017 yet. Today is Isfrid’s turn. ———- Entschuldigt, aber heute gibt es kein Montagsrätsel,...
Teil 797 – Der Garten im September

Teil 797 – Der Garten im September

Autumn is in the air! The flower pots are still outside but we may have the first frosty night coming to our region next week. High time to take a good and long look at the September garden! ————- Herbst ist in der Luft! Die Blumenkübel stehen...
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

In case you did not know we have a public holiday today here in Germany but I wanted to wish you lots of fun today regardless! Sorry that I cannot include bats or pumkins but I got at least a spider and a rather scary Isfrid. 🙂 Have a creepy night – or not like...
Wanted: The calendar stars for 2018!

Wanted: The calendar stars for 2018!

Time to vote for your Katzenparade top models! Dear patient readers, So much happened in the past two weeks that demanded my undivided attention. I was even too busy to take photos! But don’t worry, the cats and the humans are alive and kicking, only Putti found...
Teil 793 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 793 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

What a week! It started so well on Monday and I felt so oganised! But on Tuesday morning my Power Mac’s screen went black and displayed some code no mortal user is to see and did not want to start again. Then this very evening when the best husband of all and I...
Teil 792 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 792 – Montagsrätsel

We have not done this for a long time and I have to admit that the photo taken with a very wide angle is far from brilliant but have a guess anyway! Question: How many cats are in the picture? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 ———— Wir hatten dies hier schon...
Teil 791 – Kater-Spezial

Teil 791 – Kater-Spezial

Do you remember issue 701 from January this year? Apart from Maxine’s teeth, Kater’s fur gave reason for concern. There are many reasons why an animal looses his fur. They range from serious infections and viral diseases to parasites to allergies. So...
Teil 790 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

Teil 790 – Auflösung Montagsrätsel

As Ruth has already mentioned, Islay is really a big guy but he has not passed the 7 kg barrier yet. That will probably happen later this winter. Our fluffball Joschi may look like he weighs a lot but this is only fur and I would be pleased as Punch if Mira and Sander...
Teil 789 – Montagsrätsel

Teil 789 – Montagsrätsel

That ample bottom belongs to Marvi, no doubt! As you know our routine weigh-in was due last Saturday being the last Saturday of the month of September. Instead of letting you guess weights, today’s quest is a little different, because I want you you to tell me...
Teil 788 – Der Garten im August II

Teil 788 – Der Garten im August II

Have I told you that I started another vegetable experiment this year? This time I grew tomatoes and peppers in flower pots on the frist floor terrace and in the front yard. The plants in the front yard started really well and produced lots of fruits but then the rain...
Teil 787 – Der Garten im August I

Teil 787 – Der Garten im August I

I have a confession to make: I am responsible for the lousy summer and the unsettled weather we had in my part of Germany this year. Last year, I spent hours watering the flower beds. So when simple irrigation systems were on offer at our local Aldi in early spring, I...
Teil 786 – Herrin der Ringe

Teil 786 – Herrin der Ringe

You are so good! Well done, Susette, Micki, Ruth and Karl-Theodor! The answer really lies in the rings! A racing pigeon always wears two rings. At least in Germany, the phone number of the breeder tends to be present on one of them. When Putti – by the way, I...
Teil 783 – Mittwochsrätsel

Teil 783 – Mittwochsrätsel

Have we had a riddle on Wednesday yet? I have to admit that I put this image in front of you with hestiation. But after you all excelled at the caterpillar riddle how difficult can guessing birds be? The bird of prey I captured sitting on the shed in the rain had no...
Teil 781 – Der Garten im Juli, Teil 2

Teil 781 – Der Garten im Juli, Teil 2

July was not only rain. We did have some sunshine, too, and made the most of it. The best husband of all had a particular difficult time trying to catch the sunny days as he is responsible of mowing the lawn. Unfortunately, the tractor broke down at the end of the...
Teil 780 – Sanders neue Kür

Teil 780 – Sanders neue Kür

If I had not planned an issue with Sander already, today he gave me every reason to feature him prominently. Why? Because he „vanished“ this afternoon. But that was not all. It started with a call from our neighbour in the west to tell me that not only...